A manufacturing first in the automotive industry, constructing a car looking at the bigger picture in it's affects on the planet. Mercedes-Benz really thought this one out when they built the plants for the smart car. They looked at the entire life cycle of the smart car to ensure that they maximized the reduction in it's footprint on the earth.
When choosing vendors we chose only ones that utilized returnable containers. When wasting is unavoidable we look at how it can be minimized. The entire process to build a smart car is only 8 hours, 3 of which is actual build time!
Materials in the smart fortwo are chosen because they will have a minimal effect on the environment. A majority of our parts are recyclable. They stem from renewable raw materials and 100% recycled plastics. Not to mention how great are the doors? When is the last time you owned a car that was virtually dent and ding free?
Instead conventional painting for our cars we use a powder-coat process which uses 40% less energy. You'll find that this process has zero solvent emissions involved and no water consumption (for the water we do use it is also recycled water as well). Any powder over spary, or excess, is collected to be used again.
Our technologically advanced 3-cylinder engine competes with even the Hybrids out there. With the best fuel economy out there for gasoline powered vehicles, we are looking to reduce everyone's carbon footprint. Here are some tips to maximize your already fuel efficent smart: Fuel Saving Tips
In January 2011 the United States will see the fully electric smart fortwo. 2012 we'll see this amazing little car in full swing production! Not too long after that we might even see the clean burning diesel that has been reported to get 84 mpg.
Our consciousness doesn't end there, because this is an ongoing thing we must keep revisiting and reevaluating how to reduce our carbon footprint. One day we'll see the day when we can manufacture cars with little to no impact to the earth and our future.
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