Saturday, December 18, 2010

Put it to the test

Here are a couple of tests that you can do on your own to better understand why the smart car is so safe. All day long I can talk about the crash boxes, the ABS, Brake Assist, the Tridion Cell (interesting fact same material we use in many spaceships as well!), etc etc.

The Walnut Test:

Take two walnuts of different sizes, one larger one smaller, and put them in your hand and squeeze them. Which one breaks and cracks open first? You'll find the larger one will crack open before any damage is made to the smaller one.

The Pencil Test:

You'll need one brand new lead pencil. Use your fingers to snap it in half. How quickly does it snap? How much effort or energy did you use to snap it? Now, take another lead pencil half it's size and try to snap that one. How much energy did you exert to try and break that one, if you broke it at all?

This is the same physics behind the smart car. It's actually safer to be in this car in an accident than in a large SUV, sedan, truck, even small sedan. There are many reports of smarts getting into accidents and totaling the larger cars because the smart car is much denser than even a small sedan. Like the walnut the larger car will give before the smaller denser smart.

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